Jun 29, 2009

Just wondering...

Micheal Jackson died. (I honestly think they faked it and he's now enjoying life on a private island. But that's just my theory... or actually I bet there are more people who think this.) All we heard about him in the last few years was how terribly he looked and that his face was falling apart, how he was planning a come-back and then canceled most of his concerts, how he made his poor kids wear those obnoxious masks and how he held his baby hanging off a balcony... not to mention the accusations of so many kids who are now grown up and suddenly remember the not-so-fun-times with the King of Pop.

So I'm just wondering why is everybody acting like he was their favorite singer and like he was the most wonderful man alive. I honestly don't think he was and it's sad that he died but I think people are taking it too far.

Please don't give me more attention when I die than you gave me when I was alive.


Seggi said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaach cica! Dakujem za tento post. Uz som si zacinala mysliet ze vsetci su blazni iba ja som lietadlo! :P

Petra said...

som rada, ze sme tak podobne nenormalne :)

Marek Tomašovič said...

pridavam sa do klubu...dokonca na iTunes Store je teraz 8 z 10 najpredavanejsich albumov od Jacksona:)

Unknown said...

well said, Petra!!

filipa said...

presne toto je moje teoria peti! ze vobec neumrel.. chapes.. cakalo ho 50 velkych vypredanych koncertov cez leto.. niektore posunul, ale aj tak by to nezvladol. taktiez bol po usi zadlzeni.. no a teraz setkycm co maju listky na jeho koncert zrazu ponukaju- 'moznost vratenia penazi, ale este lepsie- nejakeho artefaktu z jeho zivota' pche.

Jan(k)a said...

presne moje slova!straaaaasne mi isiel na nervy cely ten humbuk okolo jeho smrti a este aj teraz ked vidim nejaky jeho videoklip, prepinam. Akoze haloooo ludia, sak to bol len clovek a este k tomu s nie prilis cistym backgroundom!a tiez si myslim, ze sa teraz niekde schovava - to bola prva vec, co ma napadla, ked som pocula, ze zomrel.