Nov 21, 2008

How different...

...would my life be if I had a job that I didn't like. It's Friday night, after 11pm and I am exhausted. When I was in the US last summer we called this state of body and mind spent. I am spent. I started working at about 2pm and stopped just a while ago. (Some people started even earlier than I did and finished later, that's how hard core we are sometimes...) I helped in the kitchen most of the time peeling, cutting, cooking, heating up and serving all sorts of good stuff. What's the worst about Fridays is that when we think it's all over and we're getting really tired and ready to go home... it's time for some major cleaning. I strongly dislike Friday night cleaning after an event at the Building. There are always people running into each other, fighting over the one good vacuum cleaner, people trying to get the kids to go home so that we can get the place ready for church... It's crazy and I don't enjoy it. Now despite this major misery I'm ready to do it all over again next week. I'm ready because I like my job a lot and I'm willing to do stuff that takes long and is hard because I know there's more to it than what I can see.
Anyhoo... I hope you like your jobs people because if not I can see how your lives might be miserable. PEACE OUT!


Anonymous said...

This description of your day sounded almost identical to my own: the nine hours of work, being in the "kitchen", and especially the cleaning!
We should be very thankful God has provided us with jobs we (most of the time) enjoy!

Ande Truman said...

Ohh if I had a nickel for every time I had a job I hated...I'd be just as poor as I am now. Um nevermind. Worst job I've had? Stuffing hair dye boxes at a factory (if I was lucky enough for the factory to need workers that day). Desperate people to desperate things :) I'm really thankful that recently I've had jobs I really like, especially now!