May 17, 2008

Day 0 and 1

Everyone knows by now that we all got here safely. The flight to Chicago was really long - 9 and a half hours - and the landing wasn't too much fun. They gave us pretty good food and we had to ask for ice if we wanted it in our drink. Going throught immigration and customs was ok. Not at all as scary as people say it is. The flight to Atlanta was nice. It was short compared to the first one and when having a drink one was automatically given a cup full of ice. I mean full and without asking for it. Landing in Atlanta was good and having friends I missed a bit welcome us felt wonderful. We got all out bags and had to get mentally ready for sitting down for another some time. The strangest place I met a person I haven't seen for about 2 years was somewhere on the highway from Atlanta to Chattanooga. Bo made a few phonecalls and then I just rolled down my window and was able to wave at Noah and Lindsay. Hugging Noah in at a gas station somewhere north west of Atlanta was quite unexpected I must say. Got to Chattanooga kind of late and went to John's house where everyone else was waiting for their luggage. Took Jano, Mata and David up on the mountain where they are staying with profesor Cliff Foreman from Covenanat. Got to Bo's cute house and met Brynne. Talked to people a little and went to bed at 1. Guess when I was up? That's right, 5:45 and I couldn't go back to sleep. Then around 7 I heard the sweet voice of my BFF, Marinka so I finally got up from my bed and went to say Dobre rano. Laura G came over at 10 or so - woohoo. Eli came a little after her. Lunch at the park with everyone was great. We walked to the other side of the river and sat by the museum for a little while. A woman looked at me funny when I spoke to David in Slovak. Supper at Gerald and Karen's was nice. Got to meet Miriam's cute nephew Roger. Sleep last night wasn't too much fun I must say. I woke up at 3:50 this morning and never really went back to sleep. So here I am hyper and hungry.
So far all ok. Let me know if you have any questions about stuff I didn't mention. Will update soon again.


Anonymous said...

heidi jaka kocka!!:) pocuvaj eliska.. ts ts ts:))

Anonymous said...

super..ked mi mamma povedala kto vsetko bol na tom pikniku chcela som sadnut na prve lietadlo k vam:)viem ze je to nerealne ale snivat predsa nie je zakazane

Anonymous said...

Haha, Filipka!;)

"a bit"? Hmm...

Jaj! Vyzera jak pijem Diet Coke- BLAH!

Aj ja som sa zobudila okolo 4am a nemohla som potom spat.

Dobre, komentovala som:) Staci?

Ande Truman said...

Coming back from SK I had to land in Chicago too and it was the WORST plane landing I've ever experienced! Maybe cause it's so windy? Hmm...

Sucks about your jet lag too! Hopefully won't take long to get acclimated. Is Chatty what you thought it'd be?

Seggi said...

parada, konecne viem viac :) len tak dalej....pocasie vyzera byt super. A eli vobec nevyzera herslef ;)